WWII Aerial Photographer

As a young man barely out of his teens, after basic training Frank was assigned to the prestigious Office of Strategic Services (OSS) as a Field Photographer. Established by a Presidential military order on June 13, 1942, the purpose of OSS was to collect and analyze strategic information required by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and to conduct special operations. Frank “collected” this information via taking aerial photographs, sometimes strapped to the wing of a plane.
The majority of his time was spent in the European Theater, primarily in the UK and across the channel in western European countries. While never captured or sent crashing to the ground in a fiery ball of mortar fire, Frank did experience enemy gunfire – this is evidenced by the shrapnel wounds to his left shoulder.
Frank shared stories of his wartime adventures with his son, Frank Jr., throughout his childhood; these are some of his fondest memories of the time spent with his father. Often while reciting a particularly thrilling account, Frank Sr. would open a trunk where he carefully stored his war time photos and bring one out to add emphasis to his story. When he passed away in 1982 the photos became the property of his son, Frank Eberflus Jr.; included in his memorabilia is a box of his military documents and additional keepsakes.
The original photos are B&W 16 x 20’s and in remarkable condition; they were carefully rolled up between sheets of newspaper in a trunk for 66 years. As a preview of the upcoming book of Frank’s wartime exploits, they are being released to the public for the first time, along with an opportunity to purchase high quality photo reproductions of the originals. The photos featured are but a small representation of the collection; additional prints will be released at a future date.